Today in class we watched a video from the t.v. show, "Real Sports" about a boy who was born with no arms or legs. Now to most, this would mean that you would be "disabled" your whole life. Someone must look after you at all times and make sure that you were fed, clothed and bathed. Well most people are not like this certain individual. This young man was absolutely amazing. Not only does he lead a "normal life", he leads a "normal life" with great success. HIs ability to be an excpetio...
The task presented today, which was the tower building competition, proved to be a success. Even though my group did not win the overall competition, and our tower tumbled to the ground right at judgement time, I still found today's class to be very interesting. The initial task was creative in itself, as it forced the group to come together and decide on basically our first group decision as of yet. This group project allowed our group to meet one another and learn a little about each per...
During class today, we had the pleasure of watching the leaders convince the audience why they are good leaders and how they can handle a certain task. Not in the interviewing stage of my life as of yet, I was unaware of how boring certain questions can become after they are answered numerous times. It was shocking how each leader had clear, concise answers that would fulfill the "cookie cutter" concept of leadership, but sounded like a bunch of crap when sitting there watching. I personal...
Before entering this class, leadership was a concept that I took for granted. I did not think that everyone had the capabilies to lead, nor want to lead. After the first class, which started off without any leader, I was pleasantly suprised with how many people stepped up and took charge. Granted some of the ideas thrown around where not on task, but I was intrigued by the students who took it upon themselves to lead. As the class has progressed I have learned that it is your choice to be...