Published on January 31, 2005 By Mallory Lernihan In Blogging
Before entering this class, leadership was a concept that I took for granted. I did not think that everyone had the capabilies to lead, nor want to lead. After the first class, which started off without any leader, I was pleasantly suprised with how many people stepped up and took charge. Granted some of the ideas thrown around where not on task, but I was intrigued by the students who took it upon themselves to lead. As the class has progressed I have learned that it is your choice to be a leader and if you do not take the opportunities presented to you, you will miss out. In the past I have always viewed being a leader as a job given to those who were the first to put themselves out there. Now, I have realized that being a leader is a privelage. It is a privelage to have people place trust in you and you to lead them to success in return. The people that stood up the first few days of class showed courage and put themselves out there, when others, such as myself, sat back and watched. Hopefully by the end of this class, I too will stand up next time to lead...we will just have to see.
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