At the last class, I could not help but remember back to the very first one. The first class when we all stood around in bewilderment as to what we were supposed to do. It is odd, but I feel I have defiantly grown as a leader throughout the semester. At the beginning I did not think that one class could have that much of an affect on it's student, but I am proof that it is true. Being a leader is much more then just dividing up work to others. It is much more then working for the title and sitting back once you have recieved it. To become a good leader you must continuously work for it and want to achieve success in a group like setting. This class has made me want to be a better leader and I thank Dr. Feinberg for that. His tactics, being a "bad" leader at the beginning and showing us the other side towards the end, was possibly the most effective thing a professor has ever done. I was determined at the beginning to produce my best work and become a student that stood out in the pack. HIs attitude at the beginning pushed me to do my best and forced me to evaluate my leadership qualities. I thank you Dr. Feinberg for the most meaningful class I have taken at Purdue thus far and I appreciate you making me a better leader.