Today we listened to Kirk Weisler give his presenation on leadership over the phone. Even though he was on the phone, which most would find impossible to captivate people through, Kirk grabbed me from the beginning. His whole concept behind being a good leader is "genuine intent." Everyone wants to follow the "everyday guy" that treats them like a person. His idea of being the least painful and the most fun is obvioulsy working and catching on in the workplace, as his tremendous success proves. Kirk is not ridicuoulsy intelligent, he is not the most articulate speaker, but Kirk is real. He gives his presentations on the same level as his listeners as he tells it how it is. He does not sugar coat things or pretend to be someone he is not. He is a father, a husband, a son and a great leader. Kirk makes sure that he constantly comminucates a message about who he is, not a fake persona of who others want him to be. Through his presentation today, Kirk made it clear that a leader is someone who is passionate about their work. After watching Dr. Feinberg speak before, he made it clear that if we aren't inspired by our work, how the hell will we inspire others. This was very striking to hear because it is so true. Why would anyone want to join my team if I dont even want to join it. Kirk Weisler's presentation was very insightful as I walked out ponderinf each word he said. After I left I read his book, "Dog Poop Initiative." This book culminated the whole experience, as well as Kirk's theories and views perfectly. Such a simple problem of dog poop, yet no one wanted to do anything about it, no one except for Kirk.