As the years have gone on, more and more attention has been brought to the perpetually growing problem of sexual harassement. Through stories my father has told me as well as friends, I have seen how it affects the people involved and how traumatizing this harassement can make the workplace. My best friend's older sister experienced this problem first hand. She was a new employee for Hyatt Hotels in Chicago and was fresh on the job. A Senior Vice President was very interested in her, even after she told him numerous times that she was not. He was a persistant man that would not take no for an answer. There was a company function one friday night and a whole group decided to drive together to the place. She was waiting for the limo to pick her up and when it did, it was only him in the car. After he continued to make her uncomfortable she went to the HR department the following week to file a complaint. Not thinking that much would be done to such a powerful man she was shocked to see that many other women had done the same and he was finally terminated. This man is an example of a bad leader. A leader who used his position to harass another employee. This is why companies need to be careful with who they hire, as this proves to be a perfect example of a "bad hire." It is sad to see that this problem is one that people must face in the workplace, however, it is refreshing to see that some companies are willing to help. Leadership positions cannot be taken for granted, as this man seemed to think he was untouchable. However, as my friend's sister proved, no leader, even "bad" ones should get away with harassment.