I have found that every time I have had a problem in my life it was due to poor decision making. Going out on a Thursday or staying in to study? A question I pondered often but never seemed to choose appropriately is a perfect example of where my bad decision making has taken me. As we discussed in class, it is your decisions that are going to get you places. If you make numerous bad decisions and never attempt to change your ways, this will bring you to bad results. In this class, Dr. Feinberg displayed what a good leader and a bad leader entailed. A good leader will make decision appropriate for their team, keeping their best interest in mind. A bad leader will make decisons that either benefit only themselves or put the whole team at a disadvantage. As the class has progressed it was clear that a good leader making good decisions ran much smoother and more successful. My parents have taught me that good judgement is key to a successful life. This lesson has been imperative to keeping me on track and learning at a young age the difference between a good decision and a bad one.