Today we did the exercise in which you ranked 15 items from most important to least as if you were stranded in the desert. I have done exercises like this before but I am always left feeling stupid after the "expert" tells you what you would need. I always find it interesting to see what people would think they would use and then later to find out that they had it all wrong. In our group in particular, some members thought that cleaning out injuries was a big concern at the moment, as others thought that shelter from the sun was. However you may view this, this exercise proved that a team who comes together and maps out a plan can become one powerful unit, much more powerful then a few individuals. No matter how far off the groups score was from the experts, I still think that our group had a good grasp on the situation. As a team we combined our thoughts and came up with what we thought to be the most logical order. Hoyt, our leader, did a great job with listening to everyone's ideas and helped guide us along. This exercise was proof that a group is much more effective then one individual, making teamwork key to a successful business.