My father has worked for Unilever HPC for 25 years now, and he always talks about how it's a different kind of company then when he started there. Obviously things will change over the span of 25 years, but the changes made by the company have altered the way the employees act and feel about their jobs. I remember every year my parents going on a week long "company trip" to some great exotic location, all expenses paid. Numerous activities were planned, momentos were given out and the employees went back to work relaxed and ready for another year. However, this has all changed, as these trips were completely eliminated. On top of this change, for as long as I could remember, Unilever products were given to employees for free, all you had to do was order what you wanted and this "magical" truck would come to our house and load up our basement with everything from toothbrushes to shampoo. Shockingly, this perk was eliminated as well. I know from watching my father and how he handles his "team", it is very frustrating. There is nothing geared for the betterment of the employees, it is all about the profit. After watching the video on the company SAS, I could not help but think of my dad. Here is a company that does everything besides buy their employees homes, to make sure they are happy and in turn, effective employees. This company is onto something, because their employees are happy and their profit is climbing. I understand that Unilever is a public company, while SAS is not, but I think that Unilever could benefit from instilling some types of "perks" back into the company culture. As I hear my dad talk about his experience, his company is not fun to work for anymore, and he says it is affecting their turnover rate as well as employee's attitudes tremendously.