What changes need to be made?
Today was a very interesting class because I think that it is the first time we have actually stepped back and taken a look as to what changes need to happen. Some of the groups suggestions I thought were not on target, which I was suprised about. The way I view the class is that I am in a group and I am responsible to my group and they to me. At no point have I found it necessary to include the rest of the class into this structure, it is just way too big. I was very surprised by other groups suggestions, saying we should all communicate, and it is not fair that certain groups had better study sheets then others. I agree that communication needs to improve overall, but that is the responsibility of the group leaders to do this amongst themselves, and we are supposed to communicate to our group leader. Some of these suggestions given just sounded like a bunch of complaints. From the beginning of this coarse, it was very clear that your leader must perform or your group will be at a disadvantage, just like the real world. I have been in many classes that I have been at the disadvantage due to my group and our group leader, and even though it is unfair and upsetting, it is just a part of life. It happens to all of us at one point or another.
The other surprising suggestion I found about today's class came from the leaders. When Jay suggested that we send our assignments to someone else we "trust" or a special person in our life, I almost began to laugh. To me it just sounds like the leaders don't feel like looking at our assignments, which was rather off-putting in my eyes. I thought that part of their duties were to make sure that the group was performing well, sadly this suggestion showed the exact opposite. Hopefully, the groups and the group leaders will all come together and finally be on the same page.