Today a major topic discussed during lecture was cohesiveness. I had never really thought about cohesiveness and leadership together, probably because I have never dissected leadership to this extent before, but I found what Dr. Feinberg had to say was rather interesting. The part that caught me off guard were the two ways to reach cohesiveness, which were 1. Have a common enemy and 2.Have a common goal. The second suggestion was something that I would have thought of, however the first one was intriguing. I never would have thought about macthing my group up against the so called "enemy." I found this concept to be a great idea. In my own personal experience, I know that when I am faced up against someone that I want to beat, I work as hard as I possibly can. Since the beginning of my college career here at Purdue and being part of numerous group assignments, no one has ever pushed me or a group of mine to compete against someone or something. I hope that our group leader will make this a point to keep our group motivated and establish these two tasks within our group so that we are all on the same page. The only problem I see with cohesiveness is that there is a possibility of having too much, which I never expected tohear in lecture. I guess I am extremely naive to leadership concepts and ideas, but group think is something our group needs to stay away from to keep us on track. Someone needs to make sure that all ideas have been sifted through and that the group is not just settling. Today's lecture was interesting and it showed me the steps our group needs to take in order to be cohesive this semester.